Nomination BIS Scottish Fold Special Ring - Best junior WCF Ring Junior VI Best Junior WCF Ring Junior VII 31/05-01/06.2014 Zooterra " в гостях у Саффи" Санкт -Петербург WCF Ring Junior I Nomination BIS Best Junior 07.06.14 - 08.06.14 Бомонд кошек - 2014 Москва WCF Ring Junior I Nomination BIS WCF Ring Junior II Scottish Fold Special Ring -Best junior and Best of Breed Best Junior 28.06.14 - 29.06.14 «Katten Kabinet - 9» Москва WCF Ring Junior II Nomination BIS Best Junior WCF Ring Junior I Best Junior 03.07.14 -04.07.14-05.07.14 WCF JUBILEE SUMMER CAT SUMMIT Беларусь, Минск WCF JUBILEE RING I WCF Ring Junior III Scottish Fold Special Ring Best junior and Best of Breed Best SLH Junior Best Junior SUMMER CAT SUMMIT SHOW I WCF Ring Junior II Best SLH Junior Best Junior Best Supreme II WCF Ring Junior II Best SLH Junior Best Junior Best Supreme I SUPREME FINAL 06.07.14 Международный Фестиваль Кошек Москва Scottish Fold Special Ring Best junior and Best of Breed WCF Ring Junior I Best junior Nomination BIS Best Junior 12.07.14 - 13.07.14 Инь и Ян. Кошки Запада и Востока Тюмень WCF Ring Junior II Scottish Fold Special Ring Best junior and Best of Breed WCF Ring Junior II Scottish Fold Special Ring Best junior and Best of Breed 19.07.14 - 20.07.14 Бесконечность не предел! Нам 8 лет! Челябинск WCF Ring Junior IV Nomination BIS WCF Ring Junior I Best opposite Sex Junior Scottish Fold Special Ring Best junior and Best of Breed 26-27.07.2014 CFA CATS SHOW the Mall Bangkapi BANGKOK , THAILAND 9 Finals from 12 rings. Already Grand Champion from very first CFA show! 2.08-03.08.2014 Гатчина WCF Ring Junior IV Nomination BIS WCF Ring Junior VI Best opposite Sex Junior Scottish Fold Special Ring Best junior 9-10.08.2014 CFA CATS SHOW Bcc Hall Bangkok Convention Centre @ Central Ladprow BANGKOK , THAILAND 9 Finals from 12 rings. 16.08.14 - 17.08.14 Королевские кошки Кавказа Кисловодск Nomination BIS Best Junior WCF Ring Junior III WCF Ring Junior I Scottish Fold Special Ring Best junior and Best of Breed Best Junior Best Supreme 23.08-24.08.2014 ИНФОКОТ ,Москва АБСОЛЮТНЫЙ ПОБЕДИТЕЛЬ РИНГОВ CFA Best of Best CFA 6.12-7.12.2014 Содружество Гран-При Royal Canin 2014, Москва BEST OPPOSITE SEX WCF (первый день) BEST CAT в монопородном шоу Абсолютный победитель по итогам 10 рингов CFA BEST CAT CFA BEST CAT В ФИНАЛЬНОМ НАГРАЖДЕНИИ |